Saturday, July 7, 2007

Second Topic: We're Alone

It took me a while to come up with a topic different enough in nature from the first that I liked, but wasn't TOO different. (I'll save that one for next time around. *grin*) So here we go, the second topic for the Front Lobby Bench writing blog will be...

We're Alone.

It's the future (however distant or close is your choice). We humans have mapped the heavens, have found thousands upon thousands of extra-solar planets, identified the composition of them all with advanced technology, and turned all sorts of listening devices spanning the frequencies to the Earth-like ones for decades. And what have we found? Nothing. Not one peep. No signals, messages, pictures, accidental broadcasts, voices, or any sort of non-astronomical sounds. The final analysis? All of science is agreed. We're alone.

Earth is the only planet on which intelligent life has arisen. What does that mean for us humans? How do we react? How does this impact our advancement as a race, if at all? Where do we turn our technological efforts now?

As a reminder: Writers do not have to answer all the questions posed. They're simply possible starting points of thought.

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